This you-branded website is hosted
by DocMeIn and fully integrated with your DocMeIn account data, allowing patients to securely manage their appointments. No credit card required to sign up.
Cancel any time.
Save time and improve access by allowing patients to securely log in to find their appointments and to schedule routine care without having to call your office and talk to your staff.
Share more about yourself
The more people know about you, the more of them will find you when they
are looking for the care they need. We give you the tools to help you
build your profile to increase the confidence of your patients and to
manage your digital reputation.
Provide self-service capabilities
Empower patients to schedule their own appointments, selecting the type
of service, date and time that you enable them to. Afterwards they can
confirm, cancel and reschedule as necessary without having to pick up
the phone.
As they make these changes in the patient portal, you will see them
reflected in your calendar.
Take our widget to go
The same patient self-scheduling widget that's available on your DocMeIn
patient portal can also be embedded in any other website you control.
All you need to do is add a few lines of HTML to that site and it will
be enabled with just-in-time data driven scheduling capabilities.
Control access to your schedule
Choose the maximum number of timeslots offered to a patient for any
given day (even if your schedule allows more), how soon the earliest and
the latest available appointment can be, what types of appointments are
available to the patients for self-scheduling and even if extra time
should be reserved for new patients.
Process appointment requests
Appointments initiated by patients start out as requests, allowing you
to review them before accepting, potentially with changes. You can also
enable DocMeIn to automatically accept appointment requests for you,
taking advantage of other controls that ensure that requests already
meet your constraints.
Enable cancellations and confirmations
Appointment cancellations and confirmations are a core part of patient
portal. Our controls allow you to determine when, relative to
appointment time, these functions are available online and when patient
need to call.