Group calendar

with ultimate customization

Fast and secure scheduling forall of your providers in one place.

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Cancel any time.

DocMeIn calendar organizes and streamlines your daily workflow, so you can focus on the things that matter.

Organize your schedule with our beautiful online calendar, where a single glance gives you all you need to know. Switch to day view to drill down or to week view to see the bigger picture. Navigate quickly between days, weeks and months or make changes with intuitive drag and drop gestures.


An essential tool to meet your needs.

Flexible hours
Work hours and breaks of each provider can be configured individually for each day of the week. And if some day doesn't follow the usual schedule, you can always specify alternative hours for just that day, accommodating holidays, vacations and other one-offs.

Block time off
When you need time off during the day, you can easily mark it on your calendar with a "note". It's just like an appointment, except without a patient assigned to it. You can write in it why you are busy for your staff and you can include all providers in one note to block off their time as well.

Color coding
Appointment status, provider and type (service) are easily glanceable with automatic color coding. Switch between these three color schemes as necessary throughout the day. Also don't forget to customize the colors in a way that makes sense to you, simply by clicking the colored box in the legend.


Bringing a new level of speed, convenience and capability to appointment scheduling.


Create a new appointment by simply clicking on the part of the calendar where you need it. Drag and drop to reschedule. Mouseover the appointment for summary data or click to bring up all details.


When the treatment plan calls for recurring visits, create a standing appointment with the necessary recurrence. You will be able to manage the appointment series as a whole or each resulting appointment separately.


Schedule multiple patients for the same time slot if you need to. Managed overbooking can even be extended to the patients via the patient portal, with rules ensuring that no provider is booked beyond capacity.

Stay on top

Access your appointments
when and where you need them.

Zoom in to a daily view or zoom out to see a whole week at a glance. Select which provider's appointments are displayed or pick multiple to see their schedules side by side. Print from your computer or expand the calendar to entire screen if you are on a tablet or phone.

Each time an email is sent to a patient or to a provider notifying them of an appointment, a machine-readable attachment is included with the message. This allows appointment data to be automatically added to the recipient's calendar and sync'ed to all of their devices.

Change History
DocMeIn captures all changes ever made to an appointment, going all the way back to its original state. This allows you to audit who changed what and when, if you ever need to. Depending on your regulatory regime, this capability may be required for you to achieve regulatory compliance.
