Messaging is central to DocMeIn.
It helps our providers keep their patients up-to-date, reduce no-shows and improve performance. No credit card required to sign up.
Cancel any time.
Our automated multi-channel messaging system ensures that your patients and your providers are always up-to-date and on the same page about their appointments.
Whenever you or your patients create, update o cancel an appointment, we send a notification right away to everybody involved with updated appointment information.
Message templating allows you to parameterize and control the content and timing of each message sent on your behalf. This includes reminders, follow-ups, recalls, cancellations, birthday greetings and many more.
Left brain? Right brain? Side brain! We leverage every opportunity to alleviate your patients' need to remember their appointments -- and to relieve you from having from worry about it. Your patients will thank you for it.
Reach patients the way they prefer to be reached.
To ensure that you reach your patients and their caregivers, DocMeIn
supports email, text as well as voice messaging channels. You can even
combine different channels and have the message delivered through a
secondary and then tertiary channel at preset intervals if prior
delivery attempts are not acknowledged.
Be precise with your message.
Message templates are not just customizable, they can differ based on
the type of appointment and/or its assigned provider. If fasting (or
eating!) is recommended before a particular procedure, include the
corresponding instructions in the message templates pertaining just to
those types of appointments to which they apply.
Speak your patients' languages.
For each message template you use, multiple versions can be created to
connect with patients in different languages. DocMeIn will automatically
generate the message in the patient's preferred language.
Acquiring new patients is more expensive than retaining the ones you already have. Set up DocMeIn to send appointment follow-ups and recalls to encourage your patients to schedule their regular check-ups and continuing care. They can respond immediately by clicking through to your DocMeIn patient portal.
Some messages are sent to your patients automatically when something changes in their care plan. However, you can also deliver custom one-off email campaigns or highly selective individualized messages to patients without leaving our platform. This is an ideal tool for sharing valuable information; use it wisely to build your professional reputation with your panel.
No messaging system is complete if you could not track messages sent. We ensure you have complete control and you can always review the exact content of each message sent from your account to any patient.